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Rating Distribution

Release Year


Age Rating

Novels (62 total)

TitleVotesAvg ScoreRating
Embraced by Autumn357.407.37
The Language of Love1607.147.15
Blackberry Honey2797.167.13
Salome's Kiss487.147.10
Rituals in the Dark927.007.05
The End of an Actress387.057.05
The Fairy's Secret127.297.02
The end of an obsession207.287.00
It gets so lonely here2087.006.99
The Mermaid of Zennor476.986.98
Sweetest Monster3527.016.96
All Ashes and Illusions247.066.93
The Fairy's Song506.916.91
With Eyes of Ice107.306.85
Girlfriend Simulator706.976.85
White Box257.006.84
Sweetest Monster Refrain356.926.84
Clear Skye Thinking77.436.84
Unnatural Urges57.706.83
Shut-in Vampire87.256.79
Fragile Feelings236.786.76
Once on a Windswept Night996.656.73
Eldritch Idol67.256.67
My Lovey-Dovey Demon156.786.65
A Winter's Daydream596.596.61
Round the Mulberry Bush456.616.60
To Have and to Hold96.896.57
nothing & nowhere216.716.57
Strawberry Vinegar1256.506.56
Winter Fragments86.386.48
Is it Wrong to Want to be Locked up, Toyed with and Tortured By a Hot Guy?!196.536.46
Dreamy Planet296.286.42
In Fair Spirits66.676.39
The Way We All Go1576.336.38
All the Words She Wrote306.266.36
Learning in Love!76.936.36
Unluckily in Love126.426.36
The Sad Story of Emmeline Burns2686.336.35
Six Days of Snow1236.246.34
Dejection: An Ode406.326.33
Empty Horizons876.346.31
My Dear Prince156.336.23
Lily of the Valley1206.196.22
Lucky Me, Lucky You446.196.21
AIdol: Artificial Intelligence Idol306.086.18
Where the Sun Always Shines225.926.14
This World Unknown466.116.11
All Idleness and Ephemera126.076.09
What Happened the Night Before106.156.07
Is This the Life?255.955.98
Flower Garden215.835.86
Schoolgirl x Squid124.805.24
Mahou Shoujo Žižek-chan!144.925.21
Vampire Lollipop134.695.16
Beneath the Bleeding Moon16.000.00
My Confounding Cat is Criminally Cute!27.500.00
All Scars and Starlight38.670.00
Cage of Roses58.200.00
Rain and the Wolf35.330.00
How to Melt a Maiden's Heart26.500.00

Tags (519 total)

NameNovelsAvg ScoreWeight
Modern Day British Isles132.389.79
Staff Commentary71.867.36
19th Century62.396.98
Protagonist's Cousin as a Hero42.756.98
Clinical Depression42.756.85
Foreigner Protagonist112.126.58
Fictional Modern Day Japanese Countryside62.676.56
Writer Protagonist62.586.51
Girl x Girl Romance Only232.286.31
Lesbian Protagonist82.446.16
Heroine Based on Real Person42.816.12
Timid Protagonist42.386.04
Lesbian Sex Only52.776.01
Cousin Romance42.755.94
Protagonist Based on Real Person32.755.87
Third-person Narrative142.285.83
Grandmother Support Character41.885.76
Child Support Character52.205.76
Modern Day Europe42.075.76
Protagonist's Sister as a Support Character62.385.69
Writer Heroine32.725.64
Tsundere Protagonist42.085.62
Music Recollection192.055.59
Dark Skinned Protagonist91.875.55
Protagonist with Gothic Look22.005.52
Brief NVL Scenes152.035.41
Past British Isles32.225.38
Only a Single Hero122.255.37
Middle East22.505.35
Dying Protagonist23.005.29
Ponytail Hero52.005.20
Father Support Character101.505.18
Spooktober VN Jam32.835.12
Short Heroine22.505.11
Unlockable Gallery72.195.10
May-December Romance42.385.08
King Protagonist22.095.08
Few Event CGs82.045.06
Maid Protagonist23.005.06
Sickly Protagonist23.005.04
Poor Protagonist42.005.02
Unlockable Bonus Content101.775.02
Forbidden Love42.074.98
Unnamed Heroine22.254.95
No Event CGs72.294.95
Mother Support Character91.724.95
Protagonist with a Sprite372.254.94
Depression (obsolete)61.854.94
Demon Heroine52.504.92
Kinetic Novel402.494.91
British Mythology21.754.89
Female Friend62.114.88
Yuri Game Jam32.304.81
Boy x Boy Romance Only112.214.81
Psychological Horror42.384.78
Dark Skinned Hero71.884.76
Track Display32.004.67
Slice of Life92.094.65
Lesbian Heroine52.304.59
Inter-class Romance22.344.58
No Quick Save/Load42.254.53
Hetare Protagonist41.754.52
The Holiday Season42.134.52
Past Europe13.004.51
Twin Tail Protagonist22.004.49
Protagonist with Psychological Problems42.504.48
Photographic Backgrounds112.214.48
Late Sexual Content52.254.47
Male on Male Sex Only62.004.47
Contemporary Fantasy32.004.45
Cousin Incest42.004.43
Low Sexual Content62.314.42
Ending List52.164.42
Brocon Protagonist13.004.41
Dark Fantasy32.254.41
Unlockable Epilogue42.004.40
Brother Support Character32.334.38
Grandfather Support Character31.334.38
Time Jump22.504.36
Family Life Comedy22.004.30
Maid Support Character41.504.30
All-girls School32.564.30
Riches to Rags12.504.25
Modern Day Japan112.144.25
Yaoi Game Jam22.164.23
Childhood Friend Support Character22.384.17
High School AU13.004.14
Protagonist in Relationship72.404.13
No Hero(in)es42.064.10
Unlockable Concept Art22.004.10
Road Trip13.004.09
Noble Protagonist22.004.08
Boarding School21.754.08
Hero with Sexual Experience22.344.08
Artist Heroine22.004.08
Otaku Protagonist22.754.05
Nurse Protagonist12.674.04
Trap Protagonist22.754.03
Low Fantasy22.004.01
Unoriginal Soundtrack52.003.99
Slice of Life Drama32.173.98
Friendship Ending32.003.92
White Haired Protagonist22.253.91
High School Student Protagonist122.063.90
Choices with 4 or More Options41.753.90
Early Modern Period Earth13.003.89
Relationship Problems22.643.89
Medical Doctor Hero22.003.88
Hikikomori Heroine13.003.86
Fairy Tale22.503.82
Second-person Narrative32.223.82
Stock Sprites22.003.82
Past Japan22.253.81
Japanophile Heroine12.003.81
No Romance Plot52.303.80
Nameable Hero(es)13.003.80
Protagonist with Children22.553.79
University Student Protagonist61.863.79
Adult Protagonist202.093.78
Only a Single Heroine192.373.78
Mischievous Heroine22.503.78
Autistic Protagonist12.003.77
High School Student Hero31.673.76
Side Portraits151.673.75
Unnamed Protagonist32.113.75
Pure Love Story32.223.75
Nun Support Character12.503.73
Only Older Heroines22.503.70
Married Hero12.503.70
Passage of Time22.303.68
Half-orphan Protagonist21.753.67
Food Discussions31.783.66
Teacher Protagonist32.363.65
Catboy Hero13.003.65
Merchant Protagonist12.003.63
Musician Protagonist21.903.62
Werewolf Hero13.003.61
Only Adult Heroines52.133.60
Found Family12.003.60
Reiwa Era12.003.57
Traveler Protagonist12.503.56
Under the Same Roof62.543.55
Manager Protagonist13.003.54
Author Commentary Mode12.003.52
Gothic Fiction12.673.49
Royal Protagonist13.003.49
No Gallery52.153.48
Bad Endings with Story52.203.48
Sibling Rivalry12.003.48
Only Adult Heroes42.003.48
April Fool's12.673.45
Asian-style Manor12.503.45
Terminal Illness13.003.45
Past Setting in a Fictional World32.173.44
Few Choices62.083.44
Vampire Protagonist13.003.43
Date Display51.803.42
Sadist Support Character12.003.41
Support Character Based on Real Person12.003.41
Knight Heroine22.133.41
Unrequited Love22.003.41
Unique Routes22.003.40
Apartment Building13.003.39
Japanese Idols13.003.39
Lazy Heroine12.503.38
Protagonist with Ahoge21.503.36
Heroine with a Fang22.003.33
Girl x Girl Romance61.133.32
Cousin Support Character12.003.31
Androgynous Protagonist12.003.31
Foolish Parent Support Character12.003.30
Descriptions of Violence31.673.28
Princess Protagonist13.003.28
Vampire Hunter Heroine12.003.27
Student Council President Heroine22.383.25
Pixel Art22.753.25
Airhead Protagonist12.503.25
Only Good Endings32.333.25
More Than Seven Endings42.633.24
Design Story12.503.24
Half-Japanese Hero12.003.24
Landlady Heroine12.003.24
Protagonist's Girlfriend as a Heroine22.383.24
Soldier Protagonist13.003.23
Western-style Manor22.503.23
High Amount of Bad Endings22.753.23
Protagonist's Childhood Friend as a Hero22.503.22
Heroine with Kimono22.253.22
Only Older Heroes12.003.22
Oyaji Protagonist12.503.20
Protagonist's Boss as a Heroine13.003.20
White Haired Heroine32.003.19
Adult Hero31.833.18
Timid Hero12.003.18
Musical Theater11.503.17
Stock Graphics21.503.16
Nun Heroine21.603.14
Operating System Simulation12.503.13
Tomboy Heroine32.333.13
Non-human Hero13.003.12
Framed GUI12.503.11
Dark Skinned Heroine32.333.10
Female Protagonist332.363.10
Lots of Character Sprites13.003.08
Thief Hero12.003.07
Middle School Student Protagonist12.333.07
Elementary School Student Protagonist12.003.07
Androgynous Hero12.003.07
Ojousama Heroine32.393.04
Dark Skinned Characters31.173.04
Shouwa Era12.003.04
Foreigner Hero13.003.03
Game Jam51.733.03
Royal Hero13.003.01
Foreigner Heroine22.503.00
Twin Sister Support Character12.003.00
White Haired Hero21.752.99
Cthulhu Mythos12.002.98
Student Council President Hero12.002.98
Completely Unavoidable Protagonist Death12.002.97
Changeable Font22.252.97
Serious Protagonist12.502.97
Monster Girl Heroine13.002.97
Playboy Hero12.002.97
Only One Good Ending22.002.96
Queen Heroine12.502.96
Protagonist with a Face502.162.95
Mage Protagonist13.002.95
LGBTQ Issues21.752.95
Co-worker Support Character12.002.94
Heroine Based on a Fictional Person12.002.94
Narrator as a Character12.002.94
Floating Textbox22.162.93
Fictional Modern Day Japanese Island12.002.91
Teacher Support Character12.002.90
Heroine with Beauty Mark22.002.90
Near Future12.002.90
Only One Bad Ending21.752.89
Single Save Slot12.002.89
Witch Heroine13.002.88
Vampire Heroine13.002.88
Widow(er) Protagonist12.002.88
Character Profiles21.752.87
Heroine with Ahoge22.252.86
Mermaid Heroine12.002.85
Protagonist's Pronoun Choice12.672.85
Smoker Hero12.002.84
Bad Ending(s)51.932.83
Non-sexual Child Abuse12.502.81
Student-Teacher Romance12.602.80
Hero with Heterochromia12.002.80
Protagonist's Childhood Friend as a Heroine42.632.79
Artificial Intelligence12.332.78
Ending Scene Recollection12.502.78
Amusement Park12.002.75
Kemonomimi Hero12.002.74
Protagonist as the Only Male21.502.74
In-game Sexual Content Toggle12.002.73
Western-style Castle12.002.73
Bisexual Heroine21.502.73
Artist Protagonist12.002.72
Poor Heroine12.002.71
Social Networking Service12.002.70
Airhead Heroine21.752.70
Heroine from a Different World12.002.70
Religious Organization12.002.67
Life and Death Drama22.002.66
Cheerful Hero12.002.66
Friendship Route12.002.65
Reverse Trap Heroine12.002.64
Early Branching Plot21.752.63
Smoker Heroine12.002.62
Otome Game61.952.62
Yandere Heroine13.002.62
Other Perspectives51.802.61
Heroine with Freckles12.002.61
No Support Character12.002.60
Future Japan12.002.60
Gauge Display12.502.60
Slow-burn Romance12.002.60
Perverted Friend12.002.58
Raising Simulation12.672.58
Mahou Shoujo Protagonist12.002.57
Adult Heroine42.172.57
Co-worker Heroine12.502.55
Amnesiac Protagonist13.002.55
Wealthy Protagonist12.002.55
Bisexual Hero12.002.54
Lots of Choices22.502.54
Idol Heroine13.002.52
Protagonist with Glasses21.752.52
No Common Sense Heroine12.002.52
Modern Day Tokyo12.002.52
Athlete Heroine12.002.52
Medieval Fantasy13.002.52
Master and Servant12.002.51
No Sexual Content382.232.51
Heroine with Children12.752.51
Central Heroine13.002.50
Heroine with Eye Covering Hairstyle12.002.49
Drama Club11.502.49
Bookworm Protagonist11.502.48
Consumption of Pornography12.002.48
Gamer Protagonist12.002.47
Ambient Sounds21.002.46
School Nurse Heroine12.002.46
Monster Girl Support Character11.502.44
Loli Protagonist12.002.44
Non-binary Protagonist Option12.002.43
Heroine with Wings12.002.43
Relationship Chart12.002.41
Breaking the Fourth Wall21.502.40
Skip Scenes12.002.40
Salaryman Protagonist12.002.38
Child Protagonist12.002.38
Dramatic Love Triangle12.002.38
Sickly Heroine12.002.37
Vaginal Fingering31.892.37
Colored Name-tags32.002.36
Catgirl Heroine12.382.35
Dialogue Based12.002.34
Wealthy Hero12.002.33
Medical Doctor Heroine12.002.33
Bisexual Protagonist12.002.32
Unlockable Event12.002.30
Late Branching Plot12.332.29
Transfer Student Protagonist12.002.28
Ponytail Protagonist12.002.28
Villainous Heroine12.002.28
Hero with Glasses21.502.27
Love Triangle12.002.27
Ponytail Heroine22.002.26
Support Character Based on a Fictional Person11.002.25
Unlockable Hero(ine)12.002.25
Female Protagonist for a Short Time12.002.23
Male Friend12.002.23
Heroine with Intake Hairstyle12.002.22
Protagonist Gender Choice12.002.18
Hate Story11.002.18
Arrogant Heroine12.002.17
Orphan Heroine12.002.17
Anime-looking 3D12.002.17
Heroine with a Braid12.002.16
Psychological Trauma12.002.15
Varied Title Screens21.252.15
Half-Japanese Heroine12.002.14
Maid Heroine13.002.13
Protagonist's Senpai as a Heroine12.502.13
Twin Tail Heroine31.672.11
Short Hero11.002.11
Branching Plot22.002.11
Psychological Problems11.602.09
Normal Scene Recollection12.002.08
Colored Texts12.502.08
Mahou Shoujo Heroine12.002.08
Waitress Heroine12.002.08
Built-in Encyclopedia12.002.06
Slice of Life Comedy12.002.05
Loli Heroine22.252.04
Giant Spider11.002.04
Tile Matching11.002.04
School Life Comedy12.002.03
Dating Simulation12.002.03
Otaku Heroine12.002.00
Energetic Heroine12.001.99
Holiday Cottage11.001.98
Priest Support Character11.001.96
Prince Protagonist11.001.96
Elementary School11.001.95
Body of Water11.001.94
Princess Heroine12.001.94
Promiscuous Heroine12.001.93
Unlockable Choices12.001.93
Death of Heroine12.001.92
University Student Heroine12.001.92
Student Protagonist21.751.91
Single Ending13.001.90
Enforced Playing Order12.001.89
Both Male and Female Love Interests12.001.89
Classic Tsundere Heroine12.001.89
Heroine with Small Breasts (Non-Loli)12.001.88
Christian Church11.001.88
Hero with Eye Covering Hairstyle11.001.87
Nurse Support Character11.001.86
Nameable Protagonist32.221.85
Protagonist with Sexual Experience12.001.81
Daughter Support Character11.001.80
Soldier Hero11.001.79
Multiple Endings81.681.78
Deredere Heroine12.001.78
High School Student Heroine41.751.77
Tsundere Heroine12.501.77
Clothed Male Naked Female11.331.76
Modern Day12.001.73
One True End12.501.73
Butler Support Character11.001.71
Bloody Scenes12.001.70
Smoker Protagonist11.001.69
Twins as Support Characters11.001.65
Multiple Protagonists12.001.64
Unlockable Routes12.001.64
100% Completion Bonus11.001.63
Blind Choices11.001.62
Shinto Shrine11.001.62
Body Piercing11.001.60
Lesbian Sex13.001.60
Black and White11.171.58
Pillow Talk11.001.57
Married Heroine12.001.57
Heroine with Gothic Look11.001.53
Musician Heroine11.001.52
Teacher Heroine12.001.51
Gamer Heroine11.001.50
Yangire Heroine10.671.45
Sitting Sex21.361.39
Open Ending(s)11.001.37
Heroine with Big Breasts22.001.35
Heroine with Sexual Experience12.001.33
Missionary Position21.501.31
Bathroom Sex21.001.31
Fast Mini-games11.001.29
Sexual Content32.171.29
Group of Friends11.001.29
Dying Heroine10.671.27
Male Protagonist282.181.25
Sex with Protagonist Only12.001.25
No Backlog11.001.24
Orphan Protagonist11.001.21
Only Virgin Heroines12.001.20
Student Heroine12.001.10
Super Deformed CGs11.001.05
Kissing Scene11.001.00
Sex in Water11.000.98
Single Handjob11.000.86

Traits (677 total)

British Role12439.20
French Role2147.05
Uneducated Personality476.42
Grumbler Personality785.83
Homosexual Role13205.57
Cynic Personality995.51
Maid Role8185.41
Pessimist Personality775.41
Poet Role245.35
Girls' Love Fan Personality235.29
Gloomy Personality575.22
Side Tail Hair16185.16
Cheerful Personality15195.15
Freckles Body10125.13
Puffy Sleeves Clothes9155.11
Braided Headband Hair665.08
Sharp-tongued Personality11125.05
Nightgown Clothes684.98
Poor Role684.96
Writer Role774.92
Bob Cut Hair11134.83
Blunt Bangs Hair17304.79
Rude Personality9124.77
Clothing with Ribbons Clothes8194.76
Bookworm Personality684.73
Stubborn Personality14164.73
Lesbian Sex Only Engages in (Sexual)354.71
Lonely Role794.71
Based on a Real Person Role4124.71
Off-The-Shoulder Shirt Clothes684.71
Title Character Role554.67
Wavy Hair17294.59
Braided Crown Hair464.57
Pinafore Dress Clothes564.56
Choker Clothes11204.55
Maid's Dress Clothes8194.54
Daughter Role16224.53
Tall Body694.53
Dress Clothes23354.51
Braided Odango Hair334.51
Short Body784.51
Shy Personality13154.48
Timid Personality7104.46
Bad Student Role554.46
Shadowed Eyes554.45
Dark Body10134.41
Flustered Personality674.41
Loner Personality664.39
Blunt Personality9104.37
Teasing Subject of14144.36
Low Self-esteem Personality894.36
Teasing Engages in16204.34
Braid Hair8104.27
Docile Personality674.25
Based on a Fictional Character Role174.24
Sleeveless Dress Clothes454.24
Bun Hair9104.24
Symbol Eyes344.16
Loud Personality454.15
Bonnet Clothes334.14
Hair Tie Clothes12184.13
Pianist Role344.13
Superficial Personality334.11
Cardigan Clothes684.10
Moody Personality444.10
Grey Eyes8124.09
Mysterious Personality9104.05
Carefree Personality10104.04
Stargazing Engages in134.04
Headband Clothes10154.03
Whimsical Personality454.03
Pajamas Clothes694.03
Confident Personality9104.02
Yukata Minidress Clothes124.00
Hair Ribbon Clothes683.98
Mature Personality883.97
Wealthy Role7103.97
Optimist Personality663.97
Multiple Earrings Clothes343.96
Hazel Eyes463.95
Ribbon Headband Clothes443.94
Cooking Engages in12153.94
Hard Worker Personality11123.93
Pragmatic Personality553.92
Sweater Clothes9103.91
Twin Braids Hair673.89
Braided Bun Hair333.88
Older Sister Role9113.87
Talkative Personality553.86
Daydreamer Personality333.85
Weakness Subject of443.85
Stylish Personality443.85
Disciplinarian Personality333.84
Not Sexually Involved Engages in6163.83
Student Role10123.83
Pendant Earrings Clothes673.81
Sarcasm Engages in443.78
Unpopular Role233.75
Immature Personality463.75
Eye Covering Hair773.75
Turtleneck Dress Clothes233.75
Computering Engages in243.75
Shaggy Hair463.74
Kid Body10143.73
Sensitive Personality443.73
Idol Role353.72
Childhood Friend Role9183.72
Younger Sister Role12123.71
Refined Personality8103.70
Patient Personality333.69
Blogger Role223.68
Grief Subject of563.68
Distrustful Personality443.68
Eccentric Personality443.67
Father Role883.65
Friend Role10203.64
Turtleneck Sweater Clothes453.64
Nun Role233.64
Ribbon Hair Wrap Clothes333.63
Bullying Engages in243.63
Blouse Clothes8113.62
White Hair11143.61
V Bangs Hair8123.61
Creative Personality223.61
Illustrator Role223.61
Demon Role453.60
Short-tempered Personality663.59
Underweight Body223.59
Cleaning Engages in453.57
Small Breasts Body883.57
Mischievous Personality673.57
Outgoing Personality773.55
Tsurime Eyes8123.55
Skirt Clothes11133.54
Coat Clothes673.53
Arrogant Personality773.53
Elementary School Student Role233.50
Widower Role333.50
Nightmares Subject of333.49
Indian Role223.49
Brown Eyes21473.49
Blond Hair31493.48
Strange Personality553.48
Makeup Body793.47
Clumsy Personality553.47
Lazy Personality443.47
Odango Hair443.46
Cinephile Personality123.46
Kimono Clothes383.46
Hair Flower Clothes663.45
Employee Role333.45
Leather Jacket Clothes333.44
Airhead Personality453.43
Pink Hair11123.43
Illness Subject of443.42
Serious Personality993.41
Earrings Clothes10103.41
Drawing Engages in333.40
Jacket Clothes8103.39
Hairpin Clothes7103.37
No Pupils Eyes123.35
Friendly Personality8153.35
Altruistic Personality343.35
Multicolored Hair453.34
Shop Clerk Role333.34
Pendant Necklace Clothes583.34
Curtained Hair6123.34
Superstitious Personality223.33
Green Eyes17253.33
Reserved Personality663.32
Housekeeper Role223.32
Lip Piercing Body223.32
Ribbon Tie Clothes9133.32
Orphan Role463.32
Capelet Clothes333.32
Stoic Personality663.31
Bullying Subject of343.31
Cross Necklace Clothes343.30
Otaku Personality243.29
Cross Design Clothes333.29
Red Hair11113.29
Parted in Middle Hair11133.28
Shopping Engages in443.28
Obsessive Personality333.28
Letter Writing Engages in223.27
Parted to Side Hair17223.27
Classmate Role6133.25
Dyed Hair333.25
Jitome Eyes333.25
Teacher Role673.25
Ribbon Hair Tie Clothes12143.25
Son Role453.24
Mole Body673.23
Barista Role223.23
Spoiled Personality333.20
Ram Horns Body123.20
Tracksuit Clothes333.20
Olive Body563.19
Swimsuit Clothes233.18
Temporary Protagonist Role223.18
Guitar Items223.17
Red Eyes10133.17
Vest Clothes673.17
Lolita Clothes233.16
Confinement Subject of453.16
Selfish Personality443.15
Over The Knee Socks Clothes243.15
Tomboy Personality443.14
Ojousama Role343.14
Kind Personality14203.11
Cat Person Personality223.11
Antisocial Personality233.10
Cruel Personality243.10
Apron Clothes463.09
Twin Tails Hair12143.08
Cat Role333.07
Adult Body793.07
Hetare Personality223.06
Shirt Clothes9133.05
Cautious Personality333.04
Sloppy Personality223.04
Sewing Engages in223.03
Mother Role773.02
Smart Personality773.02
Naive Personality553.02
Fang Body443.02
Seduction Engages in333.02
Pet Owner Role333.01
Black Hair25413.00
Charismatic Personality333.00
Envious Personality222.99
Garter Clothes122.99
Gothic Clothes332.99
Dancing Engages in232.98
Long Hair31522.98
Idealist Personality222.96
Energetic Personality562.96
Wife Role662.96
Competitive Personality332.96
Blue Eyes23382.95
Waist Length+ Hair23362.95
Orange Hair662.94
Grandmother Role222.94
Sidehair Hair15192.94
Strict Personality442.94
Straight Hair18222.93
Relaxed Personality552.93
Baseball Engages in222.93
Gradient Colored Hair Hair132.92
Wrinkles Body332.92
Medical Doctor Role332.89
Househusband Role112.88
Grey Hair672.88
Husband Role442.88
Expressive Ahoge Hair112.85
No Name Role232.85
Arranged Marriage Subject of222.85
Hosome Eyes672.84
Discrimination Subject of222.83
Lolita Hairband Clothes222.83
University Student Role452.82
Ponytail Hair11122.82
Smoking Engages in332.81
Spiky Bangs Hair11162.81
Sadist Role222.81
Nephew Role222.80
Furry Tail Body332.80
Tutor Role222.80
Young-adult Body26402.80
Terminal Illness Subject of222.80
Short Shorts Clothes342.79
Full Sister Role352.79
Older Brother Role442.79
Emotional Personality332.79
Pantyhose Clothes662.78
Bracelet Clothes552.78
Coward Personality222.78
Beret Clothes332.78
Ringlet Hair332.77
Male Cleavage Body222.77
Asymmetrical Sidehair Hair222.77
Puffy Personality222.77
Blue Hair792.76
Tareme Eyes10112.75
Shoulder-length Hair13192.75
Clinical Depression Subject of222.75
Demon Tail Body122.75
Gloves Clothes662.74
Gamer Role232.74
Hoodie Clothes442.73
Single Parent Role222.73
Formal Shirt Clothes342.72
Cold-hearted Personality232.72
Pleated Skirt Clothes362.71
Taciturn Personality332.71
Curly Hair222.69
Overall Clothes222.69
School Swimming Club Member Role222.69
Ribbon Hair Accessory Clothes342.68
Street Performer Role112.68
Assertive Personality332.67
Modern Tsundere Personality222.66
Curious Personality332.65
Shawl Clothes222.65
Teen Body29692.64
Habit Clothes122.64
Tanned Body232.63
Maid's Headdress Clothes342.62
Granddaughter Role222.62
Student Council Member Role222.61
School Uniform Clothes13292.60
Daycare Worker Role112.60
Tsundere Personality332.60
Confinement Engages in222.60
Slim Body26912.59
Nail Polish Body442.59
Ahoge Hair662.59
Trousers Clothes682.58
Suit Clothes552.58
Wise Personality222.58
Coup D'état Engages in112.58
Yukata Clothes232.57
Amber Eyes7112.57
Peasant Role112.56
Gaslighting Subject of112.56
Shovel Items112.56
Brown Hair25412.56
School Swimsuit Clothes122.55
Patterned Garter Belt Stockings Clothes112.55
Former Monarch Role112.55
T-shirt Clothes462.55
Younger Appearance Body332.53
Flower Clothes222.53
Moustache Hair332.53
Middle School Student Role122.53
Religious Personality222.52
Hypocrite Personality112.51
Neuroticism Subject of112.51
Survival Subject of222.51
Jeans Clothes442.48
Athletics Engages in222.47
Eyepatch Clothes222.47
Flirting Engages in332.47
Gaslighting Engages in112.47
Vampire Role222.46
Manga Items112.46
Kemonomimi Body332.45
Famous Role222.45
Mahou Shoujo Role122.45
Allergies Subject of112.44
Ushanka Clothes112.43
Ambitious Personality222.42
Knitting Engages in112.41
Green Hair442.39
Crown Clothes222.39
Guilt Subject of222.38
Torn Clothing Clothes222.37
Nurse Role222.37
Proactive Personality332.37
Moving Engages in222.36
Vampire Hunter Role112.36
Himedere Personality112.34
High School Student Role8142.34
Itome Eyes222.33
Teaching Assistant Role112.33
Book Items222.33
Shorts Clothes332.33
Necktie Clothes572.33
Autism Subject of112.32
Boots Clothes332.32
Possessive Personality222.32
Half-orphan Role222.31
Violet Eyes782.31
Cyan Eyes232.30
Biker Role112.30
Insightful Personality222.30
Food Lover Personality222.29
Soldier Role222.29
Short Hair26422.29
Domestic Partner Role122.28
Student Council President Role222.28
Black Eyes442.28
Wounding Subject of222.28
Cross-dressing Engages in222.28
Popular Role332.27
Short (obsolete) Body222.27
Antihero Role112.27
Studs Clothes112.27
Thick Eyebrows Hair222.27
Unnatural Skin Tone Body222.27
Glasses Clothes672.26
Pink Eyes332.26
Flirting Subject of222.25
Not a Virgin Role242.25
Brave Personality122.25
Cloak Clothes222.25
Forced Cross-dressing Subject of112.24
Cuffs Clothes222.24
Vaginal Fingering Engages in (Sexual)232.23
Transfer Student Role122.23
Hime Cut Hair222.23
Atheist Personality112.23
Sly Personality222.22
Side Bun Hair112.22
Psychological Trauma Subject of222.22
Violin Items112.21
Doll Items112.21
Nurse Uniform Clothes222.21
Eyebrow Piercing Body112.20
Funny Personality222.20
Roommate Role122.20
Princess Role222.20
Neighbor Role222.19
Secretive Personality222.19
Thigh-high Stockings Clothes472.18
Queen Consort Role112.18
Overweight Body222.18
Magician Role232.17
Turtleneck Shirt Clothes222.17
Novelist Role112.17
Dog Person Personality112.15
Asymmetrical Blunt Bangs Hair112.15
Surgical Mask Clothes112.14
Amnesia Subject of222.14
Bedridden Subject of112.14
Ring Clothes222.13
Traditional Bloomers Clothes112.13
Child Neglect Subject of112.12
Girlfriend Role332.11
Old Body222.11
Unlucky Personality112.10
Landlord Role112.10
Trans Woman Personality112.10
Archaic Dialect Personality112.10
Braided Hair Loopies Hair112.09
Slicked Back Hair222.09
Part-time Worker Role222.08
Blazer School Uniform Clothes222.08
Beard Hair222.07
Misanthrope Personality112.07
Farmer Role112.07
Physical Age Reversion Subject of112.07
Producer Role112.06
Miniskirt Clothes362.06
Cycling Engages in112.06
Voice Actor Role112.06
Medium Breasts Body232.05
Pin-Back Button Clothes112.05
Cross Earrings Clothes112.04
Belt Clothes442.03
Boyfriend Role222.03
Gender Choice Role112.03
Unemployed Role112.03
Unhealthy Relationship Subject of112.02
Patriotic Personality112.02
Hat Clothes222.01
Inn Manager Role112.01
Blazer Clothes222.01
Honest Personality222.01
Shark-like Teeth Body112.01
Violinist Role112.00
Sitting Sex Engages in (Sexual)222.00
Pretending Personality222.00
Merperson Role112.00
Onzoushi Role112.00
Waitstaff Role221.99
Termination of Employment Subject of111.99
Lab Coat Clothes221.97
Headache Subject of111.97
Gossipy Personality111.96
Scarf Clothes221.96
Nameable Role221.95
Motorcycle Items111.95
Pregnancy Subject of331.95
Hospital Gown Clothes111.94
Revolutionary Role111.94
Top Hat Clothes111.94
Violet Hair341.93
Illegitimate Child Role111.93
Self-harm Engages in111.93
Librarian Role111.93
Handjob Subject of (Sexual)221.92
Masochist Role111.92
Italian Role111.92
Completely Unavoidable Death Subject of111.91
Merchant Role111.91
Missionary Engages in (Sexual)221.91
Dropout Role111.91
Disability Subject of111.91
Mental Affliction Subject of111.91
Coder Role111.90
Effeminate Personality111.89
Baker Role111.89
Bun Covers Clothes111.89
Dog Tags Clothes111.88
Hikikomori Role111.88
Cowgirl Engages in (Sexual)221.88
Grandson Role111.88
Albino Body111.88
Mobile Phone Items221.88
Sun Hat Clothes111.88
Blindness Subject of111.87
Slit Skirt Clothes111.86
Off-The-Shoulder Sweater Clothes111.86
Trimmed Pubic Hair Hair111.86
Ornament Hanging from Clothes Clothes111.85
Intake Hair221.85
Workaholic Personality111.85
Absentminded Personality111.85
Multicolored Eyes Eyes111.85
Non-Binary Personality111.85
Bridal Carry Engages in111.85
Laptop Items111.85
Seduction Subject of111.84
Misandrist Personality111.84
Slippers Clothes111.84
Wings Clothes111.83
Delusion Subject of111.83
Sarashi Clothes111.83
Childishly Violent Personality111.83
Protective Personality221.82
Perfectionist Personality111.82
Guimpe Clothes111.82
White Eyes111.81
Pacifist Personality111.81
Debt Subject of111.81
Tentacle Body111.80
Walking Stick Items111.80
Half-brother Role111.80
German Role111.80
Pointed Ears Body121.79
Painting Engages in111.79
Multilingual Role111.79
No Bangs Hair221.79
Loose Necktie Clothes111.78
Arrest Subject of111.78
Master Role111.78
Turndown Engages in111.78
Non-blood-related Father Role111.78
Thief Role111.78
Coat Cape Clothes111.77
Rebellious Personality111.76
Narcissist Personality111.76
Hair Loopies Hair111.76
Artificial Intelligence Role111.75
Drinking Engages in221.75
Claw Body111.75
Halterneck Dress Clothes111.74
Notebook Items111.74
Sleepyhead Personality111.74
Band-aid Clothes111.74
Humanoid (Non-human) Body111.74
Pale Body351141.74
Backpack Items111.72
Non-blood-related Son Role111.72
Witch Hat Clothes111.72
Disappointment Subject of111.71
Romantic Personality111.70
Slit Dress Clothes111.70
Sleeveless Sweater Clothes111.69
Delinquent Role111.69
Half-sister Role111.69
Extraterrestrial Role111.69
Fur Trim Clothes111.69
Priest Role111.68
Quiet Personality111.68
Theft Engages in111.68
Half Updo Hair111.68
Chinese Role111.68
Bridal Carry Subject of111.67
Hood Clothes111.67
Photography Engages in111.67
Marriage Proposal Engages in111.66
Turndown Subject of111.66
Niece Role111.65
Sister Complex Personality111.65
Necklace Clothes221.64
Aunt Role111.64
Principal Role111.64
Androgynous Body111.64
Humble Personality111.64
Actor Role111.64
Ignorant Personality111.63
Non-blood-related Daughter Role111.62
Arm Cuffs Clothes111.62
Half-Japanese Role111.61
Gakuran Clothes111.61
Marriage Proposal Subject of111.61
Curse Subject of111.61
Transparent Clothes111.60
Monster Girl Role111.60
Office Worker Role111.60
Bikini Clothes221.60
Family Oriented Personality111.59
French Kiss Engages in (Sexual)221.59
Suspenders Clothes111.59
Handbag Items111.58
Womanizer Personality111.58
Foreigner Role111.57
Name Tag Clothes111.57
Heterochromia Eyes111.56
Disappearance Subject of111.56
Bag Items111.56
Knife Items111.55
Rubber Band With Beads Clothes111.55
Body Ribbon Clothes111.55
Tank Top Clothes221.53
Widow Role111.52
Nature Lover Personality111.52
Kidnapping Engages in111.52
Promiscuous Personality111.49
Shapeshifting Engages in111.49
Veil Clothes111.49
Driving Engages in111.49
Vindictive Personality111.48
Executive Role111.48
Ankle Length Hair111.48
Mary Jane Clothes111.47
Management Role111.47
Knight Role111.47
Singing Engages in111.46
Hotblooded Personality111.46
Old Type School Swimsuit Clothes111.45
Hospitalization Subject of111.45
Nurse's Cap Clothes111.45
Shopkeeper Role111.44
Revenge Engages in111.44
Tiny Braid Hair111.44
Honorable Personality111.43
Deity Role111.43
Brother Complex Personality111.43
Noble Role111.42
Corset Clothes111.42
Bow Tie Clothes111.42
Flat Chest Body111.42
Cyan Hair111.41
Reading Engages in111.41
Uniform Clothes111.41
Watch Clothes111.39
Genius Personality111.39
Injury Subject of111.38
Male on Male Sex Engages in (Sexual)111.38
Sunglasses Clothes111.38
Decorative Belt Clothes111.37
Kidnapping Subject of111.36
Full Brother Role111.35
Military Uniform Clothes111.35
Scar Body111.35
Bisexual Role111.33
Cravat Clothes111.33
Horns Body111.33
Villain Role111.32
Unusual Hair Ornaments Clothes111.31
Cousin Role111.30
Bra Clothes111.27
Handjob Engages in (Sexual)221.27
Detached Sleeves Clothes111.26
String Ribbon Tie Clothes111.26
Evening Gloves Clothes111.26
Sword Items111.23
Missionary Subject of (Sexual)221.23
Big Breasts Body221.21
Cape Clothes111.19
Sports Shoes Clothes111.18
Vaginal Fingering Subject of (Sexual)121.18
Loyal Personality111.17
Collar Clothes111.16
Sex with Protagonist Only Engages in (Sexual)111.15
Crop Top Clothes111.15
Muscular Body111.14
Garter Belt Stockings Clothes111.12
Senpai Role111.12
Cunnilingus Engages in (Sexual)111.07
Cowgirl Subject of (Sexual)221.05
Sailor School Uniform Clothes111.02
Incest Engages in (Sexual)111.02
Cunnilingus Subject of (Sexual)110.80