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Traits Summary

Highest Rated

Sibling Role8.64
Gender Dysphoria Subject of8.60
Taiwanese Role8.55
Mages Organization Member Role8.53
Brass Knuckles Items8.47
Inheritance Subject of8.45
Fourth Grader Role8.44
Offspring Role8.43

Most Novels

Brown Hair13,123
Pale Body12,693
Short Hair12,342
Long Hair11,820
Blue Eyes11,466
Black Hair11,169
Blond Hair10,644
Waist Length+ Hair10,058

Lowest Rated

Vaginal/Anal Sexual Toys Subject of (Sexual)6.80
Object Insertion Subject of (Sexual)6.81
Spit-roast Engages in (Sexual)6.85
Autobukkake Subject of (Sexual)6.86
Sexual Slavery (Consensual) Subject of (Sexual)6.87
Nude Modeling Engages in6.88
Consensual Phone Sex Engages in (Sexual)6.88
Anal Fisting Engages in (Sexual)6.88

Most Characters

Pale Body55,748
Slim Body34,436
Short Hair31,955
Teen Body30,961
Brown Hair26,667
Long Hair23,004
Young-adult Body22,706
Blowjob Engages in (Sexual)22,355