VNStat is a supplement to VNDB. Unless otherwise specified all of the data displayed is either, sourced from or generated using information gathered from VNDB's API.
The primary aim of VNStat is to provide added value to the wealth of information already collected by VNDB and its contributors. As such care has been taken to avoid duplicating information, the exception being where such information is required for contextual reasons.
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User profiles are updated once per day from the database dump.
Average Rating:7.50
Total Users:41,180
Total Votes:189,185
This type of a protagonist is totally immune to romantic and sexual advances. He/she can't read the atmosphere at all. This protagonist may be a genius but still can't understand the feelings of anyone towards him/her until a clear confession is made. Even then he/she needs to ask for a confirmation about it and think for a while to understand what that means. The people who are in love with this protagonist can do everything to make him/her understand, from occasional kisses to even having sex under poor excuses (like transfering mana etc) but they have no chance to be understood, none at all...
Name | Similarity |
Donkan Personality | 41% |
Childhood Friend Role | 18% |
Deredere Personality | 18% |
Relaxed Personality | 17% |
Cooking Engages in | 17% |
Kind Personality | 17% |
Friendly Personality | 17% |
Ribbon Hair Tie Clothes | 16% |
Younger Sister Role | 16% |
Twin Tails Hair | 16% |
Kouhai Role | 16% |
Teasing Engages in | 16% |
Energetic Personality | 15% |
Proactive Personality | 15% |
Ahoge Hair | 15% |
Popular Role | 15% |
Ponytail Hair | 15% |
Straight Hair | 15% |
Senpai Role | 15% |
Hard Worker Personality | 15% |