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It's 6:00PM on a Wednesday. The voicemail she'd gotten said to tune in to channel 7. Her brother's face stares back at her. She doesn't think he looks right, but then, she's nearly forgotten his face by now. [From itch.io]

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Tags (16 total)

Transgender Support Character2.002.835.66
Brother Support Character2.002.134.26
Game Jam3.001.364.08
Unnamed Protagonist2.001.883.76
No Hero(in)es2.001.873.73
No Event CGs2.001.773.53
Colored Texts2.001.673.35
No Romance Plot2.001.553.11
No Gallery2.001.442.88
Linear Plot2.001.382.76
Few Choices2.001.342.68
Non-sexual Child Abuse1.002.282.28
Female Protagonist2.000.711.43
Multiple Endings2.000.671.33
No Sexual Content2.000.571.14

Traits (0 total)