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Controversial for providing their translated versions only to their non-free members (nominally for debugging) before releasing them to public for free (usually months later). It seems that one need to pay 50 CNY per month for a membership (as of 2016). In 2017, most Chinese patches are released for free only for the first few minutes upon initialization, and player need to buy a time-limited playing right. As of 2018, each game has to be purchased either Monthly or Yearly, with some games exclusive to Yearly EG Demonion/ Venus Blood Empire that cost 450 CNY (72 USD) After a major leaking dispute with Xinyuanwu Hanhuazu and Chengcai Xueyuan Hanhuazu, Moshi Youxi Zhongwenhua Xingqu Xiaozu took over Xinyuanwu Hanhuazu and Chengcai Xueyuan Hanhuazu Baidu forum in an act of revenge According to some police press releases, at least some of the members have been arrested. Unknown if they will continue releasing translations. tieba: https://tieba.baidu.com/f?kw=%E5%BF%83%E6%84%BF%E5%B1%8B former HP: http://dreamhouse-seal.net/, http://www.dreamhouse-seal.com/ former tieba: https://tieba.baidu.com/f?kw=%E5%BF%83%E6%84%BF%E5%B1%8B%E6%B1%89%E5%8C%96%E7%BB%84


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