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The story follows Mizumoto Jun'ya, a college student who works at his family’s general store Mizumoto-dou. The only thing in Jun'ya’s mind is the death of his older brother Takaya who passed away the year prior. He asks himself every day why he was the one that got to live while his brother passed away. One day, Jun'ya meets a girl who tells him, “You should’ve been the one to die,” before vanishing. Jun'ya ends up taking on the task of renovating a traditional Japanese manor belonging to the family of Houjou Chihaya, your typical flawless ojou-sama and who happens to be his childhood friend. Since he has no idea how to even start, he’ll need to get help from various people, and he’ll need to get out of his funk to do so. Jun'ya will also have to learn how to deal with all of the emotions and problems along the way. Will he succeed in renovating the old Houjou residence? And who was that girl who told him that he should’ve been the one to die? The fate surrounding the death of his brother will soon begin. [Edited from Nintendo Enthusiast]

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Tags (7 total)

Protagonist with Partial Voice Acting2.001.933.87
Ending List2.001.803.61
Episodic Story2.001.633.25
Protagonist with a Sprite2.001.142.29
Other Perspectives2.001.132.27
No Sexual Content2.000.571.14
Male Protagonist2.000.300.61

Traits (61 total)

Finnish Role13.452.39
Ankle Boots Clothes22.102.31
Loose Ribbon Tie Clothes13.122.16
Blazer School Uniform Clothes21.932.12
Sports Shoes Clothes21.731.90
Gyaru Clothes12.691.86
University Student Role21.601.76
Chinese Role12.411.67
Disguise Engages in12.371.64
Half-Japanese Role12.321.61
Black Eyes21.421.56
Gradient Colored Hair Hair12.151.49
Shoulder-length Hair40.921.48
Idol Role12.071.44
Bow Tie Clothes12.041.41
Childhood Friend Role21.251.38
Young-adult Body50.771.37
Ojousama Role11.951.35
Grief Subject of11.901.32
Younger Brother Role11.901.32
Unusual Hair Ornaments Clothes11.871.30
Pendant Earrings Clothes11.851.28
String Ribbon Tie Clothes11.821.26
Side Tail Hair11.741.21
Glasses Clothes21.081.19
Crop Top Clothes11.681.16
Father Role11.671.16
Amber Eyes21.031.13
Black Hair30.811.12
Grey Eyes11.601.11
Brown Hair40.681.10
Jeans Clothes11.571.09
Necklace Clothes11.501.04
Slim Body50.581.03
Blouse Clothes11.471.02
Daughter Role11.461.01
Headband Clothes11.441.00
Younger Sister Role11.441.00
Pleated Skirt Clothes11.410.97
Hairpin Clothes11.400.97
Grey Hair11.380.96
Knee-high Socks Clothes11.380.95
Kid Body11.370.95
Hosome Eyes11.370.95
High School Student Role20.850.93
White Hair11.330.92
Pink Hair11.330.92
Ahoge Hair11.320.91
Curtained Hair11.300.90
Watashi Personality11.260.87
Parted in Middle Hair11.250.87
Trousers Clothes11.200.83
Violet Eyes11.040.72
Thigh-high Stockings Clothes11.040.72
Teen Body20.620.68
Pale Body50.370.66
Brown Eyes10.900.63
Waist Length+ Hair10.810.56
Blue Eyes10.800.56
Long Hair10.750.52
Short Hair10.610.42